In the Great Indian Political Drama that is unfolding every Indian has for the first time been so very affected by the posturings of the various political parties. The Elements in their relentless and "any means" pursuit of the power have been turning the lives of all Indians upside down. First the scams came tumbling out of the closets, then the economy was made to sway to the tunes of the business & social patrons and now there is clear cut moves to polarize the electorates. This act of polarization will continue unabated until the Code of Conduct will be enforced. Jokers deciding our lives. The large section of the middle class & youth is being swayed by the social media. The lower section would be sold on cash doles soon before the voting days. The Business Class would be swayed with the promise of manifold increase in their business interests.
How and whom we vote! They will succeed only if we become very emotional and look for our very present comforts. Indians please take your time to think what is best for all of us, our children and would make our a country of what we want. Our thoughts are important as they will be the reason of our actions to choose someone to lead and decide for our well being. Do we need strong headed ambitious power hungry people who are polarising and influencing our emotions and our ability to reason to their gross benefit! Please do remember the Drama is Just for Us! Do not just get influenced. The drama is consuming human lives, our hard earned money and our peace of our daily lives with social, religious and economic discord amongst us!
How and whom we vote! They will succeed only if we become very emotional and look for our very present comforts. Indians please take your time to think what is best for all of us, our children and would make our a country of what we want. Our thoughts are important as they will be the reason of our actions to choose someone to lead and decide for our well being. Do we need strong headed ambitious power hungry people who are polarising and influencing our emotions and our ability to reason to their gross benefit! Please do remember the Drama is Just for Us! Do not just get influenced. The drama is consuming human lives, our hard earned money and our peace of our daily lives with social, religious and economic discord amongst us!
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